Impossible love, eternal love

Publié le par La vache rose in english



For Valentine's day...

let's go back to the Middle Ages...


Here I am... with a true, beautiful, and historic story... Love story... :-)))

Wherever you are, just right now... be prepared to travel... in time and space...


Once upon a time...


In  Teruel (Aragon), one of the 3 smaller provinces of Spain (14.808 km2) and the less populated (36.000 inhabitants), almost 20 years ago... the 13th of february 1997 (and during 4 days), some actors in medieval holding are strolling around.

A historic event is replayed... under the gaze of the surprised Turolenses (inhabitants of Teruel in spanish).

The Tragedy of the Lovers of Teruel

Impossible love, eternal love

First of all, let's see who is at the origin of this event... disturbing the tranquillity of Teruel...

Raquel Esteban

Graduated in Art School and Danse of University and Dramatic Art School of Valencia and big investigator of dresses, social customs, traditions and dances of the christiano-muslim medieval time (XI and XIIIth century). Founder and manager of the Foundation Bodas de Isabel.

Link at the end

Link at the end

When she came back, she found her city, Teruel asleep and culturally abandoned. 

Inspired by the poem Mio Cid, she decided to wake up her city... replaying a historical event of Teruel...

Like the inhabitants used to do, years ago...

Impossible love, eternal love

Even before telling you the story replayed... I previously have to tell you, how it has been discovered... and it is... all a story too...

The story of...

Church San Pedro

Jewel of Mudejar Art (christiano-muslim style)

Source:  Turismo en Teruel

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

En 1555, during the rehabilitation of one of the side chapels of the church (the chapel of San Cosme and San Damián), two mummified bodies are found with a document telling their story, happened... more than 300 years before... 

Once upon a time...

Impossible love, eternal love

The Wedding of Isabel de Segura

In the year 1200 a.C....

Two kids grow up together...

From innocent children games to fall in love...

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

He... Diego de Marcilla, son of a rich noble... ruined.

She... Isabel de Segura, from modest familly became rich. Her father refused their union, preferring a richer husband for his unic daughter.

Impossible love, eternal love

Diego decided to leave to make a fortune (on this time... at war), and come back to marry his lover...

Hand in hand, like the fingers... they promise to wait five years... "without even a kiss..." until Diego's return...

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

Each one fighting his own battles...

Until the end of the 5 years...

She thought he was dead, and her father obliged her to marry Pedro de Alagra, rich Lord of Albarracin.

Diego get and found all the city celebrating the wedding...

Impossible love, eternal love

He became crazy... thought to kill the new husband... and then... just woke up Isabel...

He asked her a last kiss before leaving definitively the city...

Impossible love, eternal love

She refused, as now married to another man...


Impossible love, eternal love

Diego felt... dead... from love... or hearbreak...

They let his body in a street close by to his parents 's home... who found their son, 5 years later... dead...

The next day of the wedding, is a funeral day...

All the city is present, all the city is in grief...

In the church, we just could here the hearts beating...

When a covered woman walk slowly to the body... it was Isabel, regretting and crying, who was going to grant the kiss refused before...

Impossible love, eternal love

At the same moment her lips touched his... Isabel too, felt dead above her lover...

Then, they decided to bury them together...


Los Amantes de Teruel, tonta ella y tonto él.

The Lovers of Teruel, stupid her, stupid him.

Impossible love, eternal love

Por un besico murieron
Don Diego y Doña Isabel
Dejémoslo en un suspiro
No pase lo de Teruel.

For a kiss they died
Don Diego and Doña Isabel
Let it in a breath
Let it in Teruel.

Impossible love, eternal love

Some people think that it is a sad story... but in Teruel they know that in the battle between love and death... love is the big winner... 

Diego and Isabel have been granted... they are together forever...


The bodies...

Exposed and buried again... until a notary certified the documents found with them and ordered to expose them again...

Impossible love, eternal love

Since 2005... they are exposed in a beautiful mausoleum of alabaster and bronze... realised by the sculptor Juan de Alvalos.

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

Side by side, hands very close by... without a touch... as a symbol of an "unfinished" love... 

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

From this legend



Impossible love, eternal love

The story have been written more than 20 times for litterature, cinema, theatre, opera...

Impossible love, eternal love

Europe in Love

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

Discover all the beautiful love stories... in Europe...

Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love
Impossible love, eternal love

So... if you don't know what to do the next Valentine's Day...

Impossible love, eternal love

Let's go to Teruel... let's go back to the Middle Ages with the Tragedy of the Lovers of Teruel...

And who knows... you will may be meet La vache rose in a medieval dress...


The links

In your opinion...


Impossible love or eternal love ?

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